Saturday, October 28, 2006

Kate's new thing

So yeah, I'm one of those boring grownups that blogs about their kids, because I have no other life.

Kate's thing now is Krypto the Superdog.

She calls him "Superman the Dog!"

She'll climb on the bed and yell "Superman the Dog!" and jump off.

I didn't even know she knew who Superman was.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pitchforks and Torches

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I believe completely in the entrepreneurial spirit of America. I was raised to believe in climbing the ladder, and America has a history of making that possible. I'm cool with that.

I'm not cool with people sawing off the ladder once they get to the top.

Perks of Privilege

Some of the later points are stupid and anecdotal. The statistics are what I'm looking at.

This isn't just party politics. This is developing into full-blown class warfare.

I always loved history, because someone once told me, "History is the best subject for study, because it will make you the ultimate conversationalist. No matter who you're talking with, if you know your history, you'll both be more enriched by the conversation."

Whenever history describes a wealthy minority exploiting a poor majority, eventually it leads to guillotines and the like. The Mongols. The French. The British. The Spanish.

I'm not affiliated with any party. The party that owns the poor will carry the election this year.

Okay, fine, I'll play fair. Check this out. Just to add a little counter-perspective on the "downtrodden" Americans:

Just trying to depress you a little more on your Tuesday. Because you're not pissed off enough.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Egads, I'm tired.

The Legend of Zelda is so rad.

In depth analysis forthcoming, I swear.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Music and math

The math geek in me just finds this exercise fascinating:

Whitney Box Flash

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Journal-y Journal, Woobadeedoo.

Meh. Too busy to be interesting.

No news, except that everyone I know is in exactly the same position.

It's finally autumn here, which is really the only season California has besides summer. I never thought I'd ever miss snow.

I'm a little played out. I honestly just want to write a one-shot right now.

I read an old autographed copy of Longshot #1 I picked up months ago recently. My word, was it awful. Like, if it was a television show, it would be on the WB. Writing that makes your fillings hurt.

I'm planning a convention blitz for next year, with the understanding I have to have something to show when I get there, even if it's just an ashcan, even if I have to draw the thing myself (!).

My mind likes to work in long arcs, which works out to epics which are impossible to complete. Impossible for me, anyway.

The 16 page format is looking better and better.

Adios, everybody. Have a good rest of the week.