Friday, July 07, 2006


There are too many reasons why I'm excited about this:

Wasteland by Oni Press

Check out the preview pages. Very cool stuff.

Bullet points!
- The art looks great. (I love greyscale comics, always have since Mark Nelson's art in Aliens #1)
- I love gritty post-apocalyptic dark future stories. Mad Max/A Boy And His Dog/Fallout/Fallout 2. Love'em. As long as they're Kevin-Costner-free.
- The dialogue looks like it won't offend my sensibilities.
- The cover by Ben Templesmith pwns.

This kind of brings up a line of thought that came up when I was talking with Runnerguy a few weeks ago. I need my comics to seriously jump out at me and make the hair on my arms stand up. I've gotta take a look at it, and utter shamelessly, "Oh, man, that's cool." The Tony Moore issues of Walking Dead did that for me. Global Frequency did that for me. That's the fix I'm looking for when I browse through every single comic cover on the rack. Flawless presentation, and I'm not only talking about art. I do read a couple of pages to get a feel for the dialogue. If it's dialogue I've read before, it's a no-sale, even if the art is terrific. If the writing is amazing, but the art doesn't grab me, tough luck. It's gotta be a complete package, or else you don't get my three dollars (which is why I'm not reading Exterminators).

I might be shallow. Maybe.

I really, really want this to be awesome, and it looks like it's got a solid chance.


Digital Joey said...

I really really dug this preview.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

The cover of this reminds me of the film 'Hardware'