Saturday, August 19, 2006

Congrats to the Kneilien!

So, Neil got hitched to his sweetheart Eden today!

Not that it matters, but Eden receives my full endorsement and approval as a bride.

I guess Neil's sort of okay, too.

Best wishes to the newlyweds.

Sometimes I have a really hard time believing my version of reality is really happening. Why, it only seems like yesterday when Neil was jury-rigging Nintendo controllers into footpedals so he could jump-hack Megaman 3.

Our little buddy is all grown up. Sorta.



Goro said...

What you got him out of the air ducts?

Anonymous said...

ASBREHAN HAS RETURNED. and just remember that you all "possess the mental prowess of the vorple edge of a butter knife in a mental hospital."

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust.....

Cryptobadger said...

Great Glavin, it's like all of my past crimes are coming back to haunt me...