Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Do Yourself A Favor.

Go rent Orson Welles' Touch of Evil.

This film is ending my mostly unintentional Charleton Heston marathon.

It's meaty, morally ambiguous noir. The characters are people you've probably met, only with screwier lives. Heston's raw charisma is nearly overshadowed by the monolithic Welle's slouching silhouette in each of their shared scenes. This is two serious heavyweights going toe to toe, and it's great.

A car bomb goes off in a Mexican border town, which launches an investigation. Lives get ruined. People die. It's a great crime story.

At least check it out to see Heston playing a Mexican and Orson Welles slamming down candy bars.

1 comment:

Don said...

Lives get ruined is an understatement. Thankfully this movie was made when it was. Thus the audience is spared the graphic details of what actually happens to one character.