Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Helpful brother.

Troy is helpful, friendly, courteous, and kind.

I believe this is my first appearance on the interweb.

I'm... internet infamous.

Update: Fixed.


Anonymous said...

I can't get your video to play. What's up with that?

Cryptobadger said...

It's from myspace, I'm not surprised. I can barely get it to play myself. I think you have to wait for the whole thing to download before it starts playing.

Troy, how about some Youtube, man?

And stop myspacing before someone gets hurt.

Cryptobadger said...


Enigma-Machinist said...

Thanks for all that have actually watched this video. I was sitting around on my computer for years. It was time to put it to use. Yes, my brother does make a cameo. Perhaps, I will add a another clip of him shaking the hell out of the Furby just moments earlier.