Thursday, April 28, 2005

My Zombie Valentine


Keerazy zombie happenings. The US will fight conventional wars, nuclear wars, wars on terror. But how will the US handle... ZOMBIE WARFARE?!?!?

Every fallen ally becomes our enemy.
Get an ax.

(Updated: Link's dead, I'm looking for a replacement.)


Enigma-Machinist said...

Couple Questions:
1) Will the Cambodian Military try to extend the Zombie life span for more than two hours?
2) Is killing a zombie considered First Degree Murder in the United States?
3) Can Zombies love?
4) Will there be Zombie Rights Activists?

I want ANSWERS!!!!

Cryptobadger said...

Well, schnikeys. Looks like the link is dead. Sorry.

In answer to your questions:
1) Absolutely
2) No. If you want to commit murder, you're better off sicking a zombie on your intended victim, then killing the resulting zombie. Everyone will thank you.
3) Zombie's have an undying love... FOR BRAINS!
4) Err... No?

Enigma-Machinist said...

The link was down but is now back up again. If it goes down again, I have it saved.