Monday, July 10, 2006


Well, Donkeljohn and I made a subpar amateur podcast THE BEST PODCAST IN THE WORLD, just to prove we could.

Content Police - Episode 1

One hour of us rambling about games and comics.

My favorite parts are where I'm not talking.

You don't have to love it, but any feedback is greatly appreciated. If we get more positive responses than negative, we may even do another one.

(Update: Nice. Blogger won't let me post directly to a MP3 file. We'll work out the RSS feed and an actual site for the cast in the future, depending on a lot of ifs.)


Goro said...

I just don't know if I should be scared or jump for .... I'll just have to listen to see what happens and get back to you.

Cryptobadger said...

Be scared, wet your pants. That way, when it's worse than you can possibly expect, at least you won't have to go to the bathroom.

Goro said...

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Your not my father. You can't make me go to the bathroom.