Thursday, August 30, 2007


So, I've been feeling extremely scattershot lately in respect to what I'm working on and what my goals are. I'm all over the place. It's been like that scene in The Great Dictator where Hynkel is going from room to room, posing for paintings, playing piano, approving military inventions, romancing the secretary, running the government, etc.

I'm supposed to be in three different places tonight.

So I've been trying to break everything up, and attack things in chunks. I haven't been entirely successful, but I've been making a little progress. I've got two new scripts underway, I've got some ads out for artists, and a whole pile of ideas that I need to get rid of. Right now it's just an ongoing process of elimination: goal-oriented stuff stays, everything else goes. I'm seriously considering a significant alteration of my web presence.

I'll get it figured out eventually.


Don said...

I hope you are moving forward on that awesome idea we discussed over dinner with the Baron while we were in Irvine.
That needs to be put on the writing fast-track.

Cryptobadger said...

Yep. It's plotted, starting dialogue soon.