Thursday, August 21, 2008


I got linked by Larry Young, who evidently stumbled across this post.

AIT/PlanetLar's official response: "That's us, all right: the counterpunch to 'You're screwed.'"

Now to convince him to make that their motto.

I don't think I mentioned it, but Larry was one of the folks that kindly accepted one of my Decayed Orbits ashcans. I mentioned it had Astronauts. Larry asked if they were in Trouble. I told them they were in Deathly Peril. He responded that they shoot for Astronauts getting Into Trouble, and then Getting Out of It.


Good company, good comics. Buy books from Larry, he's nice and makes cool stuff.

1 comment:

Enigma-Machinist said...

Well hey, at least he recognized you for something. I still think it's pretty cool. The fact that you are making a comic is cool. Keep up the hard work.