Monday, June 20, 2005

Excerpt from my self review at work:

I'm Freaking Awesome!
I am the Uber-IT guy. If there were a better IT guy in the Universe, it had better be some guy who Died For Our Sins, because I'm the paragon of IT-ness!


I love doing self reviews. For the uninitiated, you write a self review of your skills and competencies, and your manager decides whether to give you a raise above or below the national inflation rate.

Usually it's below.

So you get two approaches.
Option 1: You talk yourself up like a spaz, like you're a case study out of a Covey book.
Option 2: You play humble. You play it off like you've got all kinds of room for improvement in the hopes that your manager goes, "Oh, man, this guy is totally underestimating his potential! He's way better than this!" and then he gives you a whopping raise. Helpful bonus hint: This never happens in real life.

Soooo, I tried a hybrid 1 and 2 approach.


"I'm a frickin' unstoppable IT god, but I really should work on my interpersonal skills."

"1 pwnz T|-|3 AS/400, U N00Bz! However, I think my organizational habits could use improvements."

and so forth.

Don't say I never helped you. Wait, double negative, let me fix that.

Don't say I ever helped you.

1 comment:

Digital Joey said...

"Dear Diary,

I am awesome. Behold my awesomeness. And give me a raise. Of awesomeness."

I can't comprehend a self review. Holy cats that's funny. Well, as always, I'm glad you weren't too hard on you. That guy deserves a break.