Thursday, June 09, 2005

Memo to Self:

Hmmm... something tells me this blog isn't focused enough.
Now that I've thought about it, here's what I'd really like to cover:

Other Wackiness

Boy, those reaaaaally don't seem to fall under one umbrella. So the question is, do I just go nuts and include everything in this blog? Or splinter into multiple blogs that are more specific, and hopefully more useful?

I'm leaning towards the second option...


Digital Joey said...

I like the first option. So there.

Digital Joey said...

I meant to write more. I had a whole bit about other blog titles you could go with, like "The BKR Webcomics Round-Up" and "Look Who's Blogging Now!"

I'll do better next time. I swear.

Cryptobadger said...


I've gotta provide some division, or the left and right hemispheres of my brain will jump out of my ears and run away in opposite directions.

Which as you know, can be pretty painful.

At least the gaming blog will be separate, as I'm guessing that'd bore the biggest percentage of my friends.

And the Rodney Dangerfield quotes will stay here.
