Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Now I know I'm old.

I hit 7:30 pm, and my body just shuts down. I just want to drink some warm milk, crawl in bed, pull my covers tight, and sleep like a senior citizen.

I want to work out, but the planet is pitch dark when I leave work. I can't convince myself to join a gym. Not sure how to make the blood run more swiftly through these dusty old veins of mine.

Maybe I need to get an archenemy that can chase me around and try to kill me.

That'd get me out of bed.

My incredible Fear-Of-Death Workout.

Of course, I could just take up tapdancing.

1 comment:

Digital Joey said...

Spending the $30 on a cheap Wal-Mart weight bench and the $20 on weights is one of the smartest things I've ever done. Give yourself some conditions, like "If I watch TV with the family, I've gotta work out while doing it." Or whatever works.

Seriously, you can drop and do push-ups, roll over hit some sit-ups, then roll back over for some more. I don't know how parents DON'T work out; you gotta keep up with balls of energy for, like, life.