Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I don't know what happened...

but I seem to have suddenly moved to Seattle. Or another place where it rains a lot.

So it's rainy.

No real New Year's resolutions here, but I did set some long term goals. Seems like resolutions are at the peak of their notoriety this year. Bring up resolutions, and people look like they've been picked by jury duty. I don't think people hate resolutions, I think people just hate falling short of their expectations.

Set goal, comply for a short while, then fail miserably. Wait one year. Rinse, repeat.

Maybe the only goal to have is to make every day New Years. Man, does sound sooo Lifetime Channel. "Maybe if we ALL make every day like Christmas..." Geez, shoot me in the head, please.

So my goals aren't changed, really, they're the same goals as all year. However, I am changing my daily routine to accommodate those goals. So there's your change.

Happy Freakin' New Year.

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