Friday, November 17, 2006

Pile o' Comics

So I've got a pile of comics from my last trip to the shop, and most of them are truly noteworthy.

I will review them. Or at least some of them. Tomorrow is Saturday. I will earnestly strive to get at least one review up.

I will also endeavor to bring my primary computer back to life.

It's strange, but I feel like podcasting. Haven't recorded in months, but the urge is still there, and I don't know why.

Here's my dilemma: I always feel like reviewing anything is such a massive copout. "No one loves a critic." I always get done with a review or podcast and think: "Wow, I should have just created my own product instead of reviewing that guy's stuff."

It's much easier to analyze than to solder your own thought-stuff into a working circuitboard.

My satellite script has been creeping back out of my subconscious, which means it's going to keep bugging me until it's written down. I just need to get the stupid script done. It's like getting a reminder from your dentist. You hate the stupid reminders, but you'll feel better after you go.

I'll do at least one review though. I like writing them. Once my stupid computer is back, I'm considering more podcasts.

Have a good one. If you're standing in line for the PS3 right, I officially disown you from my tiny circle of loved ones.



Goro said...

Comics. The joys of joy. I blame you for getting me hooked on a few authors, artists, and etc.

Digital Joey said...

So do you even read anymore? Like your cereal box tops?

...I hear you love oatmeal.