Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Yes, I am writing. Thanks for checking up on me.

Today's Labor:
Pages written: 3.5
Time spent: 2 hours

So I'm slow. But if I keep this pace, I should be able to crank an issue a week. Which would be really good. (EDIT: Which will be very good...)

Now I've just got to make sure I don't suck. I appreciate the support. I've got a lot of people checking on me, like Alcoholics Anonymous in reverse.

I'll try to keep some accountability on here from now on, for my benefit.


Don said...

Keep up the work. I intend to pick up your first issue when you are published. If it is good, I might get the second one.

Cryptobadger said...

I fully expect you to start a fanboy website which explains why every other comic writer out there sucks.

Goro said...

Pick me, pick me.