Friday, March 09, 2007

Wondercon 2007: Part 4: Killing Floor

I know, I know. Wondercon was a week ago, and in Internet-time, that's four eons.

Think of this as part of my memoirs from the eve of my electronic life.

Left the Loeb thingie, worked my way back down to the main hall. Worked is the correct verb. Things had gotten a bit crowded, exacerbating my anxiety a wee bit. I took a deep breath, went on autopilot, and channeled raw aggression.

I first hit the DC/Vertigo booth, where Pia Guerra of Y: The Last Man was signing. Impressions: way too nice to be in the room. She was seriously sweet, like your cousin who's never said anything bad about anyone. She really was that nice. She let me know that Y would wrap up in issue 60, and that she was sobbing every time she read though a new script. She signed a couple of my books, and I thanked her.

Matt Freakin' Wagner's booth was nearby, and he was signing. We meet again. I was not about to back down again so I jumped in the bearded guy's line. A sweet little pregnant lady and her husband/boyfriend were in line in front of me.

Her: "What do I say to him? I don't even know what he does!"
Him: "I think he draws 300. His movie's coming out."
Her: "What's his name?"

I was a bit confused, but helpful:

Me: "Just tell him that Christine Spar is your personal hero and that her internal conflicts were sharply juxtaposed with the geopolitical repercussions of Grendel's influence."
Her: "What?"
Me: "Tell him, nice comic books."

Matt was cool. There was a lady and her shy little daughter further up in line, and he sketched Batman for the little girl. He was not child-averse, which scores bonus points in my book.

He signed my comics and drew me a sketch of Argent. I babbled stupid things that I regret. It was really neat.

Note to self: Only at conventions can you feel so good about yourself while being such a complete retard.

Other note to self: Scan sketch and upload tonight to show off to jealous millions.

1 comment:

Enigma-Machinist said...

I have been there when meeting famous people. When I met Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, I asked him to sign his poetry book and dedicate it to my friend Jonathan. It wouldn't have been as embarrassing if I had not squeaked like a little boy when I asked. "Can you make this out to (squeak)Jonathan(high pitch interogative)?"
Billy probably thought I was having him dedicate his poetry book to my lover, Jonathan.