Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wondercon 2007: Saturday Extravaganza! Part 1: The Quickenering

Got back from Wondercon last night around 10:30pm.

I only hit the con all day on Saturday, which longer than I was physically capable of and less than I needed.

The trip started Friday night when I drove down to visit my good friend Don and his parents, who kindly let me crash at their lovely home. We stayed up all night playing Alien Hominid on his Xbox 360 and talking about girls (our daughters). We beat the game on Medium difficulty, which was insanely hard for me. This was a good exercise in tenacity, which would serve me well later. Some Soviet Missile Mastar later on was a good exercise in futility, which would serve me not at all. PWNED.

Going to bed at 2am at 30 is different from going to bed at 2am when you're 18. I passed out and woke up at around 10 on Saturday. Ate a good breakfast, drove to the rail station.

Got on the train, got off the train. Did not die.

Walked to the con. A stormtrooper directed me to the pre-reg line. I was greatly relieved at this point, as I was certain I would outlive 80% of the attendees there, should a disaster occur. I try not to prejudge folk and measure myself against others, such comparisons are inherently unfair. But when you're standing next to a bare-chested beergut with a lightsaber and a Naruto headband, it's only a matter of simple mental arithmetic.

If Wondercon is the Donner Party, the Jedi/ninjas get eaten first. If you're not wearing a shirt and you've got a plastic sword, you're food. If you're dressed like Catwoman, you're hors d'oeuvres.

1 comment:

Don said...

For Glorious Mother Russia!