Saturday, May 06, 2006

Happy Free Comic Book Day!

So, hit the store today. Got some free comics.

Was at the checkout when I saw on the flyer that the store was selling all their back issues for $1 each. The sale's going on until the 13th. Holy Schnikeys!

So I did some digging. And I'm ready to do some bragging. Here's what I nabbed, and only felt slightly guilty about:

Aliens V1 #2 (Mark Nelson greyscale art which I've never seen equalled in the past 18 years.)
Aliens V2 #1
Astro City #1/2
Concrete #2
Concrete Earth Day 1990 #1
Concrete Fragile Creature #2
Concrete Strange Armor #4
DHP #1, 3 (I thought I threw #2 on the pile too, but must have dropped it...)
Give Me Liberty #1-2
Global Frequency #1 (HOLY CRAP), #4
League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen V2: #5-6
Losers #4-10, 13-18 (WOO!)
Madman #2-3 (Dark Horse)
Monkeyman and O'Brien #1-2
Mystery Men #2-4
Uncanny Xmen #256 (Jim Lee art. They had a near complete run of Claremont/Silvestri too, which I'm barely capable of restraining myself from rushing back and getting. Maybe Monday.)
Watchmen #2 (Again I say, WOO!)

And the crown jewel. For me anyway, I was pumped to find this.
Longshot #1, Autographed by Art Adams himself. I was literally scared that the Comic Book Guy was going to see this and tell me that there was no way I was getting this book for a dollar. I've been such an Adams fanboy since I was a kid, and I still love his work. He's got the attention span of an ADD squirrel, but his art is so clean and darn fun to look at. Truly one of the greats that's been imitated countless times, but never surpassed.

In some ways, I'm actually glad comics are unpopular at the moment. It makes filling up my back-issue wantlist so much easier.

I'm done gloating. For the moment. At least until Monday. Pretty darn good Saturday.


Goro said...

Your a Geek

Cryptobadger said...

Hoser, when are you coming over?

Goro said...

Just same the place, time, location, and how?

Don said...

Only $1 for Jim Lee X-Men issues?!? what is this world coming to? If you need some of the run, let me know. I am liquidating my collection. . . near mint.

Cryptobadger said...

Let me know what you got, brotha. Maybe I can help subsidize your E3 mortgage.