Saturday, May 13, 2006

Kieth Moon's Head

Chris Onstadt keeps on giving me reasons to link to Achewood.

Story thus far:
After winning the Great Outdoor Fight, Ray and Roast beef decide to have a party and trash their couch. Phillipe decides to rescue the couch from the dump and runs away. Ray meanwhile discovers the hidden Elite Ebay auction site by typing in "What's the best you got" in the search box. He purchases Airwolf (AIRWOLF!) and Kieth Moon's head. Flying Airwolf, Ray and Roast Beef launch a rescue mission to save Phillipe, and succeed. Flushed with success, Ray and Teodor debate on whether to drink some of the vodka from Kieth's Head-Jar. They open the jar to discover...

I now officially have no further need for any other webcomic. Ever.

If you aren't reading this comic, you don't get to be my friend anymore.


Anonymous said...

Web comics huh? Check out for a DnD based comic that is funny as hell.

Cryptobadger said...

Order of the Stick is awesome, naturally. When are you coming out to play? We'll round up Sir Don and geek out for a few days.