Monday, April 17, 2006

But, but... I don't want to play games anymore!

Just when I think I'm out, they drag me back in!

Seriously, this is trouble. In case you don't know, I was a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory fiend, for longer than I care to admit. And when I played a Field Officer, for either Axis or Allied forces, I was a Machine Of Death. My Engineering 5k!11z were fabled. My Medical abilities were precognitive, with health packs arriving at my teammates' bodies split-seconds before the MG42 rounds did. My Heavy Weapons caused immeasureable amounts of suffering.

And if I was a Covert Ops...

Well, basically I just died a lot. Other than that, I was pretty darn good.

ET, like Natural Selection, hit that sweet spot between FPS and RTS, only with a lot more polish. We now have ET set in the Quake universe, sixty years in the future. Multiplayer only. Squad-based, objective-based, shootyness. With character advancement. In the future. With vehicles, like this...

In the future.

Please, PLEASE let this game suck...

I really, really don't want to play anymore. I'm supposed to be very busy.

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