Monday, April 10, 2006

Today's installment of Indescribable Awesomeness is brought to you by the letters P and A.

Was I a Warhammer nerd?


Was I a tabletop gaming nerd?


I won't be picking up Warhammer Online, but I've always had a smirking respect for Games Workshop. Their models were so cartoony and goofy, but undeniably fun/cool.

And expensive. Very, very expensive.

It was always fun to walk into a game store and see a foot long tank filled with intricately hand-painted Space marines lying on the game table. I didn't have the money the buy them, the patience to paint them, or the friends to play with them. For those three gaping holes in my adolescence, I am eternally grateful.

I miss tabletop gaming. Electronic gaming seems so sterile by comparison. How do you get pizza stains and spilled Mountain Dew into your MMO? I doubt Games Workshop will ever work the same vibe into the online evironment.

(Although Dawn of War is solid shooty RTS fun, with sharp sticks poking out of it.)

Aaaaand I think I'll end this post right here before they take my Learner's Permit away and the gym class beatings re-commence...


Don said...

I can't even remember what it was like to table-top game. But at this point, I suppose it is all behind me. My wife has removed the RPG books. :-(

Cryptobadger said...

Whoever told you that marriage was about compromise was a #$%^ing liar.

No retreat, no surrender.