Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Currency for Paper: DMZ #4

Okay, I'm sold.
I've been back and forth about DMZ. I haven't wanted to commit to it either way and say "Yeah, I need to buy this book."

Issue 4 sealed the deal.

Recap: New York City is at war. Matty is a journalist who has been ditched in the warzone. He's the only correspondent in the DMZ. He has no support, no camera crew, just a press pass and a laptop.

Issue four details Matty's investigation of a legend floating around the DMZ about a group of "ghosts" haunting Central Park. Matty finds them.

The story is about vision, environmental preservation, and sacrifice for a common goal. No solutions are offered, but thought-provoking, heady questions are.

Honest opinion? The cover alone is worth the price. These DMZ covers just keep jumping off the rack at me.

It's on my pull list now.

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