Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Currency for Paper: Planetary #24

Things are starting to make sense in Planetary. Not that they haven't during the rest of the series, but everything's being tied up into one tidy little package.

A quiet stretch of explicatory dialogue, followed by a scene of unimagineable violence.

I don't even know why I'm reviewing this book, because everything is going to be very clear next issue at the series conclusion. Or completely disorienting and confusing.

Either way, it is going to be so freaking cool, I promise.

Great art, punchy words filled with meaty plot links. Can't wait for the next issue.

1 comment:

Digital Joey said...

You do know there's a new Planetary out this week, right? They all hold hands and sing. It's quite good.

... that's a lie. Elijah and co. beat the tar outta somebody, Ellis uses big concepts, and endgame begins.

Or singing.